Women's ministry

We value cultivating relationships in our Women's Ministry and encourage each other to grow both in our relationships together and in our relationship with Jesus Christ.  

We live that out through Bible studies, REFIT,  service opportunities and so much more. Join us!

  • Women's Retreat, March 28 - march 30

    Ladies, we’re excited to invite you to our upcoming Women’s Retreat! This will be a beautiful time to pause, reconnect, and embrace the beauty of God’s presence. For more information, please contact karen@churchthatcares.org

    register now

  • women's bible studies

    Tuesday Morning Bible Study - The Book of Isaiah

    Join us at 9:30 am in the Community Room in Building B.  

    Childcare provided upon request. Questions? Karen@churchthatcares.org

    Tuesday Night Zoom Bible Study - God's Relentless Love: A Study of Hosea

    Ladies, you're invited to join us Tuesday nights at 7 pm via zoom for an evening of Bible study. Email Karen@churchthatcares.org to find out the meeting ID & passcode. 

  • refit

    Finding a positive workout shouldn't be a negative experience. We know that you want to be inspired to make positive changes and in order to do that, you need an encouraging community and an empowering workout. REFIT believes that fitness should change more than your body, which is why we've created a powerful, positive workout that charges you from the inside out. Join us in the Gym in Building B!


    REV & FLOW Tuesday 6:30pm

    REFIT Wednesday 9:15am

    REFIT Wednesday  6:30 pm

    REFIT Saturday 8 am

    Questions? Email Brenda@churchthatcares.org.

  • homeless mat making project

    Join us on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays 9:00 am-11:30 am as we make mats for the homeless. These mats are waterproof, easily washable and lightweight to transport. We press, cut and link strips of plastic bags, to be rolled in skeins, and then crocheted into mats. No experience necessary!

    Questions? Email Karen@churchthatcares.org.